
Cellulite prophylaxis


One of the most unpleasant and tenacious enemies of the beautiful half of the human race is cellulite. But is it worth the effort to fight it?

Probably, we would live easier and calmer if it were not for the long-legged beauties with perfectly smooth skin, pacing along the red carpet. They, the glamorous heroines, make us suffer and come up with a variety of ways to fight cellulite. But are there any proven and reliable among them? The main thing is to recognize the fact: it is impossible to defeat cellulite, since it is a hormone-dependent phenomenon, one might say, a sexual attribute. Based on this, it is necessary to build a program of struggle. Then there is a chance to make cellulite less noticeable.

We study the cycle

The menstrual cycle is divided into three phases: follicular, ovulatory and luteal. If in the first two synthesis and destruction of fat are in equilibrium, then with the beginning of the third, luteal phase, the situation changes. Under the influence of the hormone progesterone, which is just activated, fat is deposited faster, appetite improves, swelling and lymph congestion appear. By the way, the longer the cycle, the more noticeable is the manifestation of cellulite. Given these features, in the first half of the cycle, anti-cellulite efforts must be directed to burning fat and activating blood circulation. Of the salon procedures, fat-destroying wraps, mesotherapy, ozone therapy, lipolytic massage are relevant.In the second half of the cycle, it makes sense to switch to lymphatic drainage cosmetics and the corresponding procedures: manual and vacuum lymphatic drainage massage (LPG), draining wraps. Cooling and draining agents are good in home care. But in the last week of the cycle, it is necessary to add cosmetics that increase skin elasticity to daily care.

Attention to nutrition

In the second half of the cycle, it is better to abandon salt, replace it with spices, and if possible replace meat with fish - it is easier to digest. You need to eat more fresh vegetables. And it is very important to drink as much as possible. If the body does not receive water, it displays it with delays. Juices, soups and sweet tea are not included in the required 1.5–2 l. But tea and coffee without sugar, herbal teas and even dry red wine, by contrast, are taken into account. To combat edema, it is useful to take Fucus-based supplements.

Choose anti-cellulite products

Today there are a lot of anti-cellulite creams and lotions. Of course, against pronounced cellulite, when bumps and bumps are very noticeable, they are unlikely to help, but in the initial stages, a correctly selected remedy will give a good visible result. To do this, you should accustom yourself to carefully read the label: each ingredient in the product has its own purpose.

10 best anti-cellulite treatments

Lymphatic drainage, including on the device LPG. Regular procedures avoid stagnation of the fluid, significantly reduce the volume of the hips and help prevent the transition of cellulite to more severe stages.Plus, the fact that lymphatic drainage significantly increases the effectiveness of other anti-cellulite techniques.

Mechanical vacuum therapy - massage with special rollers in combination with a vacuum. Reduces volumes. You can choose different intensity of exposure depending on the stage of cellulite.

Ozone therapy good not only in the initial stages. After several ozone injection sessions, spider veins also disappear. But once every six months, the course must be repeated.

CryotherapyI am a very comfortable procedure. Includes cold baths, compresses, massage with ice lotions, liquid nitrogen, dry ice air. But effective only in combination with other methods.

Mesotherapy requires patience: you need to go to sessions weekly for 2-3 months. In addition, you will first have to lose weight and cure all irritations and inflammations on the skin. After a course of mesotherapy, wraps and massage are prescribed, then the injections are repeated. Only then can a lasting effect be obtained.

Carboxytherapy - carbon dioxide is injected subcutaneously and intradermally, as a result, microcirculation improves, the skin looks better. The average course is 15-20 procedures.

Ultrasound lipolysis - Low frequency ultrasound acts on the deeper layers of the skin. 2–3 treatments per week are enough - and the hips look better.

Shock wave therapy (UHT) improves metabolism and blood circulation in the affected area. The procedure is rather painful, but the result is well defined.

Thalassotherapy is the oldest method.6-15 hydromassage procedures, wraps with sea salt, algae and clay reduce volumes by 3-5 cm.

Anticellulite massage perfectly complements all other techniques. Not recommended for varicose veins and a tendency to bruise, as well as smokers and immediately after childbirth.

Deceptive Lightness

Sometimes in the fight against cellulite we make mistakes!

Cleansing preparations and slimming teas. They contain components with a laxative effect. Possible consequences: dry skin, headache and dizziness, abdominal pain. With prolonged use, a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, problems with the heart and gastrointestinal tract can develop.

Hydrocolonotherapy. This method is not intended to fight cellulite! A healthy intestine needs nothing of the kind. The most common complication is dysbiosis and constipation.

Diuretic pills. They quickly remove swelling and reduce the volume. But there are much more minuses: dryness and a decrease in skin tone, loss of breast volume, the appearance of fine wrinkles, peeling of the lips.

Appetite Suppressants. They are prohibited for over-the-counter sales in European countries. They provoke cardiological diseases and mental disorders, especially in people under 27 years old.

Strong laxatives. Uncontrolled intake of such drugs can cause toxic hepatitis and even chronic renal failure.

The article was published on the materials of the magazine "Good advice" 7/2013

Text: Victoria Vovk. Photo: Legion-Media

Material prepared by Julia Dekanova


Watch the video: Cellulite: Causes and Prevention Tips (January 2025).