
Calm, only calm


It happens, she got a little nervous - and already tired. But all I heard was not very good news. My heart started beating, my blood pressure jumped, my hands trembled, my thoughts ran ...

We spend too much energy on experiences! Eastern medicine appreciated this five thousand years ago, and since then has strongly recommended: do not worry, do not feed the environment with your energy, do not heat the cosmos. Keep feelings for your beloved people and good deeds! Experiences and stress take away the energy of the elements of Fire: in the first place, the heart weakens, the circulatory system and brain function are disrupted, memory is gradually dulled, and the level of sexual energy is reduced. The joys in life are becoming less and less - the heart has no strength for love, everything has gone into space! The energy of Fire affects vision, especially among those who are especially experiencing it, it worsens. This energy affects the digestive tract. Gastritis, ulcer, poor work of the gallbladder according to the Eastern approach from the lack of Fire energy.

Igor Kudryavtsev, professor of medical qigong, specialist in integrative medicine, member of the European Association of Natural Medicine (ANME) and the World Homeopathic League recommends the following exercises:


Bring both palms to your chest and as if physically keeping your heart out.Close your eyes or just defocus your eyes, as if looking into the distance, at a distance of a thousand kilometers. Imagine how your hands on a breath "squeeze" the heart into the chest. Do not let him pop up. Take a deep exhale and mentally, as if pressing the palms on the heart, move it to the lower abdomen. Do this several times. Once your focus is on your stomach, you will feel calm. Whenever the heart wants to jump out to meet the bad news, do not let it. Gradually, the body itself will learn to act in this way, and it will no longer be necessary to clutch at the heart every time.


Try to master the Chinese Tu-na system, which means spitting and inhaling. Listen to where an unpleasant experience is heard in the body. Bring a napkin or piece of paper to this area. Close your eyes, inhale, imagining how good, clean air, full of vital energy, breaks the “clot” of this experience. On the exhale, mentally blow out, spit out an unpleasant feeling on a piece of paper, crush it and throw it away, and best of all, rinse it off. Water will take away all the unpleasant. A good, clean air full of vitality, certainly imagine in a place where the unpleasant concentrated. After several exercises, you will learn to do this automatically. Do not keep yourself in trouble. Blow them away!

The article was published based on the materials of the magazine "Good advice" 8/2013

Photo:; personal archive

Material prepared by Julia Dekanova


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