
Choose a gift for February 23


We will try to facilitate this difficult process for you and offer ideas from which you can probably choose something suitable.

No matter how we like to receive and give gifts, for most people approaching February 23 and March 8 means long painful hours of inventing what you can give to a whole list of friends and relatives, and even so to please a person and not to repeat last year’s gifts.
We will try to facilitate this difficult task for you and offer ideas from which you can probably choose something suitable.

For Dad

Perhaps only your mother knows your dad better than you, so you probably know that he has been rooting for Spartak for the past 25 years, postpones spinning from his salary and dreams of a new video recorder with built-in air conditioning. If you have already planned expensive gifts for more significant holidays, such as a birthday, there are still many options to choose from, focusing on the preferences of the head of the family.

1. BBQ Set

Men are famous (and very proud) for their ability to cook meat, so with 99% probability your dad will be very enthusiastic, like a real chef, and will understand the tools included in the set. Well, the reward will be a treat prepared with their help!

2. Massage devices

Parents, over the years, alas, are not getting younger, so you may be surprised at how delighted he is at the ingenious contraption that kneads his neck after long trips in the car or massages his tired legs.

3. Accessories for hunting or fishing

There are a huge number of thematic accessories that will surely fit any request and wallet, from thermo gloves to a variety of binoculars. A few leading questions asked in advance, and you probably will know without any problems what your hunter-fisherman would like to get.

For a loved one

Of course, gifts of interest are relevant for everyone whoever you are going to give them, but you are aware of not only the interests of your loved one, but also of all his daily needs and everyday worries, so a holiday is an excellent occasion to make a gift that will not only be pleasant but also useful.

1. Certificates for tailoring men's suits

It is no secret that tailoring a three-piece men's suit is a task requiring advanced sewing skills and extensive experience. If you are not ready to take on the job yourself, entrust it to professionals. Today in large cities there are many highly specialized ateliers that can quickly and efficiently replenish the wardrobe of your second half with a perfectly tailored suit.

2. Backpack scooter

If this idea in itself seems rather ridiculous to you, then you just don't understand the masculine way of thinking! This is both an excellent roomy backpack, and an ingenious mechanism, and a forgotten vehicle from childhood, and all men, as you know, are in the soul of a boy.

3. Event tickets

Men are practical creatures, and many only with iron willpower keep them from sighing at the sight of a gift that will have to be placed in a dust-collecting cabinet. If your other half is just from the “practitioners”, feel free to give him a ticket for football, a boxing match or a concert of your favorite band - positive emotions are guaranteed, and no storage of useless things.

For colleagues

A gift for a colleague is not necessarily a heavy duty. It’s enough to show a little imagination, and you can not only put an annual checkmark in front of the fulfilled duties, but also really please the person with whom you work.

1. Portable charger

Such a trinket is quite inexpensive, although it can be very useful, especially if your colleague’s work involves traveling. Hardly anyone will refuse the opportunity to recharge mobile devices quickly and without unnecessary trouble these days.

2. Named office accessories

Yes, of course, a mug, a photo frame and a calendar are almost the first in the black list of the most banal gifts, but if you make them personalized, this radically changes the matter. Of course, this is not about a circle with the inscription “Volodya” from the transition, but about things made to order - modern printing allows you to quickly and cheaply reproduce any image on a variety of objects, from the inscription with the wish, and ending with photographs.

3. Edible gift

You may be surprised, but there are a huge number of chocolate sets on the market,stylized to the tastes of the male audience - a set of chocolate "tools", chocolate "weapons" and even tank models! All these edible figures look very believable and are in great demand.
Whatever gift you choose, do not forget that the most important thing is attention, not the gift itself, and your desire to please a person cannot be hidden behind a bright package and can not be faked. Give joy and get it back handsomely!


Watch the video: Juice WRLD - Robbery Dir. by @ColeBennett (January 2025).