
All my free time turned out to be devoted to ropes and knots: needlework instagram of the week


Fanny discovered macrame in 2014 and was so carried away by this needlework that she began to teach it and published a teaching book.

About the page author

“I am Fanny Zedenius, a macrame artist, I live in Sweden, in Stockholm,” our heroine introduces. “I have a long history of studying various crafts and crafts, and I am fond of various creative projects, which is why my blog is called Createaholic.

I discovered macramé in 2014, and since then all my free time has been devoted to ropes and knots. At that time, few people heard about macram in Sweden, so I studied myself, finding instructions on the Internet. Soon the popularity of macramé increased all over the world, and I began to give workshops in Stockholm. there were more and more people who wanted to learn this. In June 2017, I released my book Macrame, today it has been translated into 9 languages ​​and more than 70,000 copies have been sold! "

Macrame: how a forgotten technique triumphantly returned to the needlework top

What is this page about

Fanny's page is dedicated primarily to macrame in its modern incarnation. Our heroine makes in this technique a variety of panels, shawls, clothes, jewelry, interior decoration items.Fanny is still engaged in other types of needlework, in addition to macrame: on her page you will find photos of the toys she made, knitted and sewn things for the interior, and so on.

DIY retro style macrame

Who will be interested in this page

We recommend this page to anyone who is interested in macrame and the creation of decorative items for the interior.

More photos: @createaholic

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